Statement of Faith
*”We” represents the participating Messianic congregations and ministries that have chosen to unite as part of the Messianic Wichita Network, represented by
We believe, according to the Holy Scriptures, in the creation of the Shamayim (Heavens) and Aretz (Earth) and all that is in them – that יהוה (the 4 letter tetragrammaton – personal Name of God pronounced variously as Yahweh, Jehovah, Yehovah, or Yahuah – or simply referred to as HaShem (the Name) or Adonai (the LORD)) – that He created all this in 6 days and rested on the 7th day which He set apart and sanctified – that we are His creation as well, and therefore owe our allegiance and obedience to Him.
We believe, according to the Holy Scriptures, in the “fall” of humanity detailed in Genesis 3 – that mankind rebelled against God and thus lost the life and fellowship they had with Him in the garden of Eden. As the new testament (HaBrit HaChadashah – new covenant) confirms, the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) – physical death, and yet the Scripture speaks of a resurrection of the just AND unjust and punishment or rewards following that resurrection (John 5:28-29).